MichaelCD - The Blog.

The thoughts of Michael Cadwallader. Coffee loving, history book reading, Cheshire man.

Friday, June 01, 2007

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

I've been very quiet blogging wise over the past month. This is unlikely to change soon, as I am seriously fatigued with work, and have a close friend and colleague who is losing his battle against that dreadful disease. So at this moment in time I really have no appetite whatsoever for blogging, and little knowledge of what is going on in the world.

Thankfully, I'll be holidaying in Italy later in the month, and will hopefully return refreshed and enthusiastic; but until then it's very unlikely that I will be blogging. So before I go on my hiatus, I just wanted to say thank-you to everybody who has read this humble blog.



At 11:05 pm, Blogger PRCalDude said...

I like your blog. I've added you.

At 7:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouw, i love your work
and i love as a man thinketh

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At 10:01 am, Blogger Thea said...


I do wish you and your friend all the best.
I'm glad to hear you're taking a break. Sounds like you are well due for one.
For visitors to your blog I'd like to give this gift from my friend Christopher.
He has put together this gift page of a copy of As A Man Thinketh as well as the accompanying audio. Enjoy! :)
You can find it at http://asamanthinkethsoishe.com
Cheers, Thea
P.S. Say hi to all our Italian friends over there.


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